Monday, August 06, 2007
It SEEMS that I am the ONLY one that TRIES to UNDERSTAND.
Why are labels important?
I know what Rush and Ann Coulter stand for = HATE.
Is THAT what you are?
Why did YOU join the eForum?
Why did YOU register to follow the eForum Rules?
I write - to get stuff off my chest.
If others read it OK, but OK if they don't either.
If you AGREE WITH ME that is OK,
but if you DISAGREE - that is OK TOO.
As you KNOW, I hardly every post to a thread I didn't start.
I think - ONE OF THE THINGS - we can do is - TRY to help others.
HOW do YOU - TRY to help others?
I use BOLD - because to me - it is EASIER TO READ.
And I use CAPS for EMPHASIS.
I use a Smell Checker,
because I am the world's WORSE SPELLER.
Also, on the Bloggers I use HIGHLIGHT too,
mainly to call attention to words or phrases.
Usually I include my email address = LVKen7 at
so others may want MORE information on a subject from me.
Send me an Email =