Sunday, December 11, 2005

Conflict of Interest. Like HER saying - My votes is FOR SALE. As in, a Member of the assembly - Being on the Payroll of a PRO-Dope Group when she may have to vote on an issue with DOPE. But, SOME People will do ANYTHING FOR MONEY $$$$$$. AND WHY DID THE RJ CHOOSE NOT TO MENTION IT IN THEIR ENDORSEMENT/ANNOUNCEMENT ARTICLE FOR HER? She Doesn't NEED A campaign Manager, as long as she will be reported about in the RJ. ACCURATE NEWSPAPER REPORTED Ended with the Demise of the Sun. What this County DOES NOT NEED IS MORE UNETHICAL POLITICIANS. I will email her a question to see if she is still on the PRO-Dope payroll and report back on her reply. IF there is one. On her website she has Endorsements listed - Wonder WHY she doesn't list the PRO-DOPE Group that is paying her a salary? Seems UNETHICAL to me - NOT to list it.