Friday, February 29, 2008

There is a - HEALTH CARE CRISIS IN LV and the RJ editorials are about - ANTI-Democrats, and Anti-Affordable housing. If the RJ wasn't such a LOUSY Paper it would be DEMANDING THAT TESTING AS A RESULT OF WORK DONE AT - Endoscopy Center of Southern Nevada BE PAID FOR BY THE CENTER. MY TALK Radio Station - Send me an Email =

Thursday, February 28, 2008

What happened on Jan 11 at the Endoscopy Center - that the RJ is NOT Telling us about??? WHY did it take from Jan 11 to Feb 29 for them to decided to tell the public? MY TALK Radio Station - ttp:// Send me an Email =

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

To: John Smith, RJ – Letters to the editor, John Kerr.

BCC: to the rest of you.

If LVegas is ever going to be FIXED

it will have to START WITH THE RJ.

Their policies of – ANTI-VEGAS are at the CORE of the Problems.

Take for Example –

the Rash of Shooting.

Let’s look at Vin’s, almost, weekly HATE.

They are ANTI-Sensible Gun Control

PRO-Dope – legalizing Dope in NV

Close the public schools – where he expounds his, and I guess the RJ’s, HATE FOR THE UNIONS.

Especially, Teachers, and Police Unions.

One of the first things the RJ SHOULD DO IS –

to publish, if the writer wants, the EMAIL ADDRESS OF ALL LETTERS TO THE EDITOR.

Why don’t they?


The RJ wants to CONTROL – issues – Pro’s and Con’s



JOHN L. SMITH: Plea unmistakable: Get involved in problem of youth gun violence

*** = Ken’s comments.

Undersheriff Rod Jett must moonlight as a mind reader.

As he began Tuesday morning's news conference on the recent increase in gun violence near local schools, Jett acknowledged one of the biggest challenges with addressing the complex community issue: the cynical sense that little can be done about it.

"I didn't want this to be just another press conference," Jett said.

Just another press conference is about what I expected, all anyone could have reasonably expected, but that's not what I heard. Surrounded by many of his top officers, and flanked by Clark County School District Superintendent Walt Rulffes and representatives of the North Las Vegas Police Department, Henderson Police Department and CCSD Police Department, Jett implored residents to focus on this issue. I heard frustration in Jett's voice as he departed from the usual "tough cop" rhetoric and instead made an emotional plea for assistance to the community at large.

Metro has assigned 30 additional officers to address the violence issue with another 20 scheduled to begin next week, said Jett, speaking on behalf of Sheriff Doug Gillespie, who was in Washington, D.C. Speculation to the contrary, Jett added that he was satisfied Metro had enough investigators in its street gang unit to do the job. The undersheriff also took time to remind the media that -- no matter how baggy the pants of the perpetrator -- it's not helpful to broad-brush teen violence as "gang-related."

The focus of the news conference ranged from stick-and-whistle police work to the root causes of the violence,

and I couldn't help but think how much the department has changed over the years.

Under Sheriff Ralph Lamb and his successor, Sheriff John Moran,

there would have been little talk about parental responsibility, after-school programs and cops building bridges with at-risk youth.

Reporters would have heard about not tolerating the hoodlum element and getting tough on the street thugs.

On Tuesday, Jett implored parents to engage their children, pull bedroom inspections, monitor their MySpace accounts. In short, to take nothing they do or say for granted.

He also called on long-distance fathers to "reconnect" with their sons. Although Jett said his request was "no commentary on your parenting skills," who was he trying to kid? As a general rule, fathers who don't watch after their children usually watch them go bad from a lack of discipline, guidance and love.

*** BS.

So, the JSmith Rule is – “discipline, guidance and love.” your kids, and they will be good citizens.

He also put the local gang-banger subculture on notice. His language was professional, but I got the feeling that now would be a good time for some wayward teens to break from street life.

Jett also attempted to move beyond the traditional rhetoric by making a plea to individuals and companies throughout the community. If anyone out there is in a position to help address the issue, this is the right time to step up.

"This is going to have to be a communitywide effort," he said.

*** WHEN is the RJ going to do that?

For his part, Rulffes noted that none of the recent violence was on school property -- "I often talk about how safe schools are" -- and chimed in about the importance of parental involvement and having enough after-school activities in place to reduce the potential for problems.

But in a society that's loath to invest in junior high sports and longer school days, he must know the odds of improving the system are long.

There's an overriding truth that's emerging from the latest series. It's this: The bullets are just as deadly whether you live in Summerlin or Green Valley, West Las Vegas or the Red Rock Country Club. Contrary to popular legend, they're not limited to the valley's tough, poor, ethnic neighborhoods.

Although the undersheriff lauded Metro's efforts at everything from boxing programs to gang intervention,

I find myself angered by the buck-passing that has gone on in this community when it comes to investing in the futures of all our youth. Cops are supposed to be cops, not social workers, surrogate parents, camp counselors and child psychologists.

*** When have YOU or the RJ written a policy that would work?

But every year police officers and schoolteachers are asked to do more because parents, and society generally, do less and less.

*** Parents and society is NOT THE ONLY ONES to Blame.

We can't cure this malady.

*** So, THAT is the NEW RJ Policy?

We can't cure this malady. “

But we can treat it by never quitting on our children, never accepting this insanity as a reality of big city life and never pretending that the bullets fly only in those "other neighborhoods."

*** Hey, John,

go back up to the TOP of YOUR articles

and reread what YOU wrote –

Under Sheriff Ralph Lamb and his successor, Sheriff John Moran,

there would have been little talk about parental responsibility, after-school programs and cops building bridges with at-risk youth.

Reporters would have heard about not tolerating the hoodlum element and getting tough on the street thugs.

We didn’t have the shooting then.

So, WHAT changed?

YOU probably don’t read the comments below, but YOU SHOULD.


John L. Smith's column appears Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. E-mail him at or call (702) 383-0295.

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zz wrote on February 27, 2008 04:29 AM: Ok we will help. For Sale, nice hand gun, full auto, light weight good to hide in a backpack.

This gun is great to protect your self from the abusive cops in the valley. Free box of bullets.

Armor piercing too.

GEORGE wrote on February 27, 2008 04:11 AM: School spending, hours, and activities were lower in the previous generation but youth violence was lower than in the present generation. They can spend more money on the schools but

it will not change the levels of violence as long as the culture outside the schools continues to promote violence.

lvhunter wrote on February 27, 2008 03:02 AM: The people that will be frequenting the new shooting range are the responsible gun owners, not the punk kids causing all the trouble around our schools. They won't go near an organized shooting range because their guns are all stolen or purchased illegally on the streets of this "fine" city.

Home burglaries happen most commonly during the hours immediately after school lets out. You can almost bet that these are the same punks that are fighting and shooting around the schools.

I'd venture to bet that none of these worthless little punks are from families that are actively involved in shooting sports of any kind, whether hunting, trap or skeet shooting.

No, more likely they come from dysfunctional families who couldn't care less what their kids are doing in their after-school hours.

Gun laws can do nothing to contain the illegal availability of guns, it requires parental involvement, gun owners securing their firearms against theft and the police actively searching for and prosecuting those people committing the burglaries and selling these weapons to kids on the street. I've been told by kids that in some areas of town guns are easier to find than dope.

Just last week the RJ printed a story about the low priority of home burglaries and the poor rate of catching the people involved. Isn't there a direct correlation with that issue and the teen shootings?

*** The RJ printed – on their front page –

about cops NOT investigating Stolen Cars.

Result = LV leads nation in Stolen Cars.

And doesn't anyone find it curious that none of these minority kids doing the shooting are being charged with federal hate crimes over these events?

*** OR is the RJ suggesting the Fed’s investigate it?


Maybe making a federal crime out of these situations might act as more of a deterrent. OF course, these shooters weren't white, so how could it be a hate crime??

Statistics show this would be just to politically incorrect!

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Ken Jarvis


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

WHEN will the RJ speak out against the shootings and Sensable Gun Control? MY TALK Radio Station - ttp:// Send me an Email =

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Glad to see that THE RJ finally ADMIT to censorship. From SF's column today - "I'm sorry to say some people also latched on to the racial elements of the story. And some of those comments were very ugly. While we are loath to cut off comment, we removed the postings that were offensive and harmful." I got kicked off the eForum because I did the unthinkable. I POSTED THE TRUTH ABOUT THE RJ, AND THEY KICKED ME OFF. I posted under the handle - LVKen7 QUESTION - WHY don't you censor Vin's horrible, nasty, hateful, writings about His Promoting Dope use, wanting to CLOSE THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS his hate for teachers, and the police. MY TALK Radio Station - ttp:// Send me an Email =

Sunday, February 10, 2008

RJ – Front Page Story= “Burglars unlikely to get caught”

More PROOF how much the RJ Hates Cops The LAST time the RJ had anything like this was on – “Cops don’t investigate STOLEN CARS.”

LV became #1 for Stolen Car in the USA.

RJ will continue to paint Obama THE DEMO candidate WRONG!

Sun AM – H = 1100 delegates O = 1039

They do that so that McCain will win.

H – Keeps WINNING the BIG states

The MOST UNREPORTED STORY IS – The VOTE count. KANSAS – Ds = P 40,000 Rs = M 20,000

MY TALK Radio Station - ttp:// Send me an Email =

Friday, February 08, 2008

The - So Called - $timulu$ Package is a WINDFALL FOR CHINA. How? BuSh is giving out $168B - it started at $150 Billion. That WE DON'T HAVE BECAUSE BuSh HAS SPENT ALL OUR MONEY. So where does the $168B come from? He is going to borrow it from China, to give to SOME people to Buy STUFF. Stuff that will be MANUFACTURED WHERE? Right - China. MY TALK Radio Station - ttp:// Send me an Email =